I did the thing…

Estimated read time 1 min read

Wow. First post.

For awhile, I’ve talked about starting this blog. I’ve talked and talked and talked some more. Today, I did the thing. It was time.

It’s easy for me to talk about things…it’s harder to act on them. Isn’t that true for most of us though? Taking that first step into something new can be daunting. Scary. Overwhelming.

But, I did it. I hope you join me for posts that talk about what it’s like to be a progressive homeschooler in the South (a *very* conservative area, even if I am a stone’s throw away from Nashville). We’ll talk about curriculum – the good and the ugly. I may throw in some book reviews for kids (and moms). We can talk about how to discuss social issues with our kids and teach them what it’s like to just be a good human. The possibilities are endless.

So, if you are reading this, I hope you come back and see what I get up to. Stick around. Engage. Let’s walk this road together.

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